BOOKS: THE WHY CAFE by John Strelecky
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 08:45AM
Sherri Caldwell

"A book that can change your life"

by John P. Strelecky
(Da Capo Lifelong, 2006)

Hardcover, 130 pgs, $12.95

Why are you here?
Do you fear death?
Are you fulfilled?

What is your PFE?

(That would be Purpose For Existing)

These are the questions put forth in THE WHY CAFE, an engaging modern parable about a man who finds himself in a curious little mirage of a diner at a crossroads in his life, entertaining deep thoughts and mulling over deep philosophical issues with the colorful characters he encounters in The Why Cafe.

THE WHY CAFE is a quick read -- short, but powerful. Not only does it present an interesting discussion of the Main Menu questions (above), there are additional questions and ideas presented which are equally thought-provoking:

pg. 61 - Good Question
"Why is it that we spend so much of our time preparing for when we can do what we want, instead of just doing what we want right now?"

pg. 71 - Powerful Challenge
"'The Challenge,' he said, 'is to realize that something is fulfilling because we individually determine it is fulfilling, not because someone else tells us it is.'"

pg. 114 - Excellent Point
"Life is a great story, John. It's just that some people don't realize they are the author, and they can write it however they want."

I would love to be able to say THE WHY CAFE changed my life, but at this stage of the game, it served more of a reminder and a reassurance. A refresher is good to have every once in a while.

THE WHY CAFE would be an excellent gift for a new college graduate or for anyone at a transitional crossroads in life.

While reviewing THE WHY CAFE, I need to mention a book that truly did change my life last year. The subtitle of this book held me off for a while, probably until just the exact right moment, when it helped me, quite literally, survive a very tough time.

Article originally appeared on The Rebel Housewife (
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