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Amazon.com Sales Rank 7/24/2004: 2,712,976 

It has been such a busy week, catching up from the RTIR Publicity Summit. Actually, just catching up with the kids and getting the house back together. I've only just begun organizing my summit information and figuring out my media follow-up strategy. I've been in touch with the dozen or so people I met at the summit ("attendees", like myself) and really connected with--fascinating, down-to-earth people we will be seeing on tv and hearing on the radio. (Of course, they have to get going on their follow-up, too!) I'll introduce some of them on The Rebel Housewife in the days and weeks ahead--

To my faithful subscribers and readers--thank you for sticking with me through this very busy summer! I am getting back to a weekly schedule with NEW columns, NEW reviews, and other features (DAILY with The Rebel Blog!). The kids are back in school Aug. 9th--can you believe school starts SO early in Georgia???--and we'll be back on schedule. Meanwhile, I will continue adding classic columns and reviews to the Archives, and, as always--I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!!! Email Sherri@RebelHousewife.com or use "Contact The Rebel Housewife" on the website--

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