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The Rebel Housewife Column

The Rebel Housewife Column is lifestyle humor for women--anecdotes, observations, experiences--on just about any topic you can think of: kids, family, men, life, sex, pets, tattoos...wait, we are getting ahead of ourselves!

This Week's Feature:


(Re-)Introducing...The Rebel Housewife!

Thank you for joining The Rebel Housewife adventure! The original rebel housewives are Sherri Caldwell and Vicki Todd, writers, wives, mothers, best friends and former neighbors in Atlanta, Georgia.

When I founded The Rebel Housewife, and Vicki and I started to tell people what we were doing--writing a weekly, lifestyle humor column called "The Rebel Housewife" for national syndication--the most common questions were:

1) What is a Rebel Housewife?
2) What are you rebelling against?
3) What is The Rebel Housewife?

Now that you might be wondering, too--

1) Rebel Housewives are intelligent, independent, strong-willed women who find themselves at thirty-something (give or take a decade), with husbands and children, and all sorts of responsibilities we could never have anticipated with that simple "I Do" decision, often made a decade or more ago. Many Rebel Housewives have college degrees and careers they have left behind, set aside, or adapted to part-time or stay-at-home/work-from-home. Sometimes we find ourselves wondering: "How did I get here?!" Maybe even (my personal favorite): "Who are these children, and why are they calling me Mommy?!"

2) Rebel Housewives are funny, talented, interesting women rebelling against unrealistic expectations of perfection, i.e. "happily ever after" and the stereotype or sentence of being "JUST a housewife." We find ourselves so wrapped up in household, husband, family, school and kid activities that a trip to the grocery store is a big outing, and five minutes to oneself is a rare luxury.
It can sometimes seem as if we are virtually cut off from adult interaction that does not revolve around household, husband, family, school and kid activities...so here it is!

3) The Rebel Housewife is a project, initiated by two writers--two housewives with a whole lot of attitude and opinion--and a whole lot to say. Why? Because it's fun! Because if we can't have a little fun, let down our hair, laugh, commiserate, even bitch and whine once in awhile--rebel just a little--we're all in trouble (husbands, children and everyone else, too)!

The Rebel Housewife has been described as "Erma Bombeck for the 21st century." The column is lifestyle humor--anecdotes, experiences, observations--different from anything else out there, representing the viewpoint of independent, intelligent, free-spirited women, thirty-somethings after "Sex in the City," "Bridget Jones' Diary" and "Ally McBeal"--married, with kids (but not "Married, with Children"!).

The column is supported by The Rebel Housewife website at http://www.rebelhousewife.com and The Rebel Housewife Weekly Update e-zine, through which we are building our readership and enjoy ongoing conversation and interaction with fellow Rebel Housewives, friends and neighbors all over the world. This enables us to draw from large and diverse universal experience on what it means to be a woman, wife, and mother in this new millennium, and share it with you.

A Brief History of The Rebel Housewife:
In the early days of 2002, Vicki and I were developing The Rebel Housewife column toward national syndication--a weekly column to appear in newspapers and magazines all over the country to amuse and entertain women much like ourselves. We knew you were out there! (Still working on that syndication thing, by the way...)

By early 2003, we were trying to come up with the answer to our husbands' query: "How is this thing going to pay for itself?" We put our heads together, came up with a proposal, and sold our first book, The Rebel Housewife Rules: To Heck With Domestic Bliss! (Conari Press, Sept 2004). We're still not quite sure how this thing is going to pay for itself, but we're working on it!

Update -- 06/30/2004: The one constant in life is CHANGE. In January 2004, Vicki re-located from just down the street in Atlanta to Hong Kong with her family. It took six months to realize and appreciate the challenge of working together across continents and time zones, but we realized in June 2004 that we were going in different directions (both positive! ;-). Although we will always be friends and together support and promote the terrific book we wrote together, Vicki is off to new exciting adventures and experiences in Hong Kong--new directions and new things to write about as a rebel housewife gone international. The Redhead is now The Rebel Housewife online--God help us all!

I hope ya'll are ready to have some fun, 'cuz here we go!

© 2004 The Rebel Housewife, LLC. All rights reserved.
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