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BOOKS: Little Sugar Addicts

I'm making a departure from my usual review criteria this week, as I have not actually read this book to the end yet, but I have good reason, so stick with me!

Little Sugar Addicts
End the Mood Swings, Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Low Self-Esteem in Your Child Today
By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
(Three Rivers Press, July 2004)

1. Order Little Sugar Addicts!
2. Mark your calendar for August 16th!

I met the author, Kathleen DesMaisons, in New York at the National Publicity Summit in July. She's wonderful. She told me the name of her book, and I was immediately interested, but somewhat defensive:

"Kathleen, I admit I've got three 'little sugar addicts' at home, but if you are just going to tell me that my kids shouldn't be eating sugar--I already know that! I've tried, I really have, to just say NO, to not buy the sugar-filled junk food, to pay attention to the ingredient lists and try to root out the disguised sugars--but after all that, I don't know what to feed my kids instead! What are the practical alternatives--and it's got to be stuff that my kids will actually EAT."

She was so nice, so reassuring and down-to-earth:
1) "You are exactly right--read the book."
2) "Check out our online community."

Long story short, the book didn't come out until a couple of weeks later, and I was so busy with surviving the summer and other things that I didn't think too much about it, until--

Subject:Little Sugar Addicts CRISIS
Date:July 24, 2004 4:36:55 PM EDT
To:Kathleen DesMaisons

"Okay, Kathleen--
I need that book NOW!!!
My 7-year-old daughter is in MAJOR meltdown mode...and I'm trying to stay cool, calm, rational. No sense in BOTH of us screaming and pitching a fit--we are SO much alike. I've banished her to her room for an hour of quiet time, took her two pbj sandwiches (on whole-grain) and applesauce. She calmed down a bit (she's trying to reform quickly to go to a neighborhood party tonight), all red in the face, and said, "I'm so hungry, and my head really hurts."

Ah, it hits me--we are so much alike, my daughter and I. If I go too long without eating, I turn into a major demon as well. I'm ready to try radical change to get our little sugar demons under control!

I will be at the bookstore door Tuesday, and if I can't get it, I'll order online!

Safe trip home--
Live, Love & Laugh,

I got the book, and I've started it, and I want to tell you-all about it now, rather than waiting, because of Kathleen's advice, #2, and something coming up very soon--

From:Kathleen DesMaisons
Subject:Re: Little Sugar Addicts CRISIS
Date:July 24, 2004 7:04:59 PM EDT

"...call them now Some of them already have it. You have taken a HUGE step....insight. You are both doing great!!! I am very impressed!! Maybe you would like to come over to www.radiantrecovery.com and check out the parents group. You can click on the online groups page. If you join and introduce yourself it will be REALLY fun."

She was right again. The online community at http://www.radiantrecovery.com and http://www.littlesugaraddicts.com is amazing. It's huge--I had no idea who I was talking to, and what Kathleen has accomplished with her many best-selling books and recovery programs. There are many Radiant Recovery support groups available. I joined the parenting email list and it has been fun, educational, and inspirational--in a down-to-earth, practical, realistic way.

I also joined the book study group, and here's the time-sensitive info:
The online book study of Little Sugar Addicts begins August 16th!
Check it out!

Little Sugar Addicts
End the Mood Swings, Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Low Self-Esteem in Your Child Today
By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
(Three Rivers Press, July 2004)

1. Order Little Sugar Addicts!
2. Check out the Radiant Recovery Groups!
3. Join the Little Sugar Addicts book study group at radiantbookstudy@yahoogroups.com .

Hope to see you there!

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