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Top 5 Mags & REDBOOK

Honest to God, just when I'd given up and sworn off women's magazines FOREVER...I opened the November 2005 issue of REDBOOK, and now I'm back--to REDBOOK, anyway.

After agreeing whole-heartedly with Muffy Mead Ferro's hysterical rants in CONFESSIONS OF A SLACKER WIFE (see Rebel Review: Slackers Unite!) on the propaganda of women's magazines, I decided I was DONE.

I am beyond tired--near-to-death EXHAUSTED--by unrealistic expectations and impossible standards regarding: how I look; what I buy; relationships, cooking, entertaining, decorating, parenting, etc.; and health, i.e. What to Worry About...Trust me, I know what to worry about--I'm almost 40! And, in fragile recovery from massive, ass-kicking life experiences recently, I just can't take the pressure of all of the advertiser-sponsored advice on how to make my life PERFECT!

However, I've been receiving REDBOOK for the last year--I don't know how; a free subscription I won somehow, somewhere--and they managed to track me down at our new address (much like the Mormons chased me for twenty years all over the country, but they've finally given up!), and here I am, actually very impressed, enough to send in the twelve bucks to renew the subscription. (By the way: It's ONE ISSUE FREE & $8 to subscribe on their website right now.)

I cracked the November issue, looking for coupons and quick & easy dinner recipes. I carefully ignored "STEAMY LOVE-LIFE SECRETS: How Do You Compare?" and other features on aging, sex, relationships, fashion, make-up...not that I have it all figured out or anything, it's just you can only take so much, and these magazines carry everything you need to completely overhaul your life, renovate your home, AND save your family EVERY SINGLE MONTH! (Thank God it's not weekly!)

But like I said, this issue (and REDBOOK, in general) is different, and has some really, REALLY great stuff inside:


(Okay, that's exactly what I need right now.)

"These Women Make $ Saving You $" by Rebecca Davis - LOVED it!
The women featured are speaking my language, and offer interesting, helpful, hopeful information on money and finances. (I followed up with a couple of the money-saving women, and will be reviewing Lynn Khalfani's ZERO DEBT: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom and INVESTING SUCCESS: How to Conquer 30 Costly Mistakes & Multiply Your Wealth in Rebel Reviews in January.)

"How Stores Get You To $pend" by Pamela Kramer - Fascinating, good to know...

Features on Helen Hunt & Robin Wright Penn.

I even read "REDBOOK Look: Gorgeous Locks From a Box" and ripped it out to save as a resource, since I may well be going back to The Box to take care of the creeping gray vs. vibrant red battle I mentioned in my last Rebel Blog: Now Let Me Explain...

For those of you who LOVE the lists:

Rebel Housewife Top 5 Magazines:

  1. ATLANTA Magazine (Gotta give love to the one that writes the check!)
  2. Vanity Fair (I still love that Dominick Dunne!)
  3. US Weekly (Bathroom reader, keeps me in the know!)
  4. REDBOOK (There you go!)
  5. PAGES (For the book reviews & info I'm not getting anywhere else--
    hint, hint! ;-)

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