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True Test of Friendship

I knew she would, and she did. She looked phenomenal, gorgeous, sexy, cool. Definitely 1960's Glamour Girl--in MY dress, damn it! Yes, the true test of friendship...

It all started with the birthday party. Vicki decided only a full-blown, all-out surprise party would do to celebrate her darling hubby's 40th birthday. Classic Vicki, it had to include all the bells and whistles: elaborate planning, organizing, and secret arrangements; family and friends flying in from out-of-state; dinner for thirty at a Chinese restaurant, followed by the after-party at the house with live music and authentic retro decor--we were going back to the 60's, Baby! And of course, on top of all that, we were expected to dress appropriately for 1963.

I was born in the late 1960's (1967). I was raised in the 70's, and came to my own, as far as senses and buying my own clothes, in the 80's. The 60's and 70's are kind of a blur for me. Fortunately, we have renewed interest and exposure to the era through Austin Powers; and the 60's icons which will always be classic: The Beatles, Woodstock, FREE LOVE, hippie chicks, and Nancy Sinatra! (We'll come back to her in a minute.)

I am not one for costumes. The pressure of coming up with a good idea and the stress of pulling it all together is overwhelming to my perfectionist nature. And with three kids, two dogs, the house and the husband--I have enough to do in my life! Besides that, I'm cheap! I hate blowing money on an outfit I will never be able to wear again.

But--anything for Vicki! And fortunately, B.C. (Before Children), Russ and I had thrown several infamous 70's parties in our old basement, disco ball and all. I was cheap back then, too, but I had picked up all kinds of clothes and accessories at Value Village and The Salvation Army, back when I had the time and freedom to treasure hunt in thrift shops. I had the old costume box in the basement!

Back in 1995, I had come across the perfect outfit: a white polyester dress with silver threads in a very 60's geometric design. It even had a belt! It was a long dress that I cut down and hemmed up to make the perfect mini-dress. I used the extra material for a headband. With my long hair and go-go boots, I was Nancy Sinatra! I looked HOT!

Back to 2002/2003: Vicki was busy planning, organizing and shopping for weeks, even months ahead for the party. She'd fill me in with updates every week on new ideas, purchasing conquests and costume thoughts. She saw Austin Powers in Goldmember and thought about going as Foxxy Cleopatra. I suggested Felicity Shagwell (from The Spy Who Shagged Me) might be more appropriate for a white chick with long, blonde hair, but Foxxy would be cool and quirky too--Vicki could pull off anything. She set out on what could only be called a QUEST through every costume store in Atlanta and beyond.

I let it all pass. I was busy with January and the start of a new year. I had quiet confidence in my box of treasures in the basement. Finally, in February, the weekend before the party, I pulled out the box, dug through it, brought out ugly pants, uglier shirts and The Dress! (No boots--I couldn't remember where or who those came from, but no biggie: I was sure I could find boots.) I piled my treasures on the kitchen counter, and on Tuesday, I shared it all with Vicki and showed off my mini-dress, holding it up to a gleam of pure envy in her eyes!

Wednesday was a busy day. We sent out query letters for our book: The Rebel Housewife Rules: Reality Check! 37 Things Mother Never Told You--The Rebel Housewives Will! (More about that in future news!) I also received a Certified Letter, Return Receipt Requested--from my next-door neighbor (not Vicki) about a tree in our backyard...never mind, it's too absurd...but it threw me into a little bit of a bad mood. Anyway, I decided to try the dress on and prepare to accessorize for the party coming up on Saturday.

I had a little trouble sliding into it. Funny, I didn't remember it being so snug. I asked Zach (8 year-old son) to zip me up, and as he struggled with it, he asked: "Is it supposed to be bigger?"

My bad mood got worse. Much to my horror, I was no longer Nancy Sinatra! With 20 pounds, 2 more children, and a lot less hair (the Mommy short haircut when Haleigh was born in 1997)--I was now more like MAMA CASS!

Disgusted, I took the dress to Vicki.
"If I can't wear it, someone should..." (I didn't expect it would be HER!)

She said: "Too bad it wouldn't fit me either." (Liar)

We'd even had a commiseration conversation about weight gain VERY recently. Her older-friend advice to me had been: "It hits you at 35--everything is different." (Apparently, more for some than others!)

When we talked on Thursday, she was suddenly willing to give me all these "hippie chick" accessories she had found...I was suspicious...She'd already rented boots!

Friday morning, the only time I had for the scavenger hunt, I dropped our youngest off at pre-school and proceeded out with my list of thrift shops. Nothing open until 10am. Nothing to do but hit my favorite store for some retail therapy, so off to Target I went. And ended up finding everything I needed--on clearance! There was one halter-style mini-dress that would have done nicely, but the fit was more Anna Nicole (before the suspicious speedy weight loss) than I was comfortable with, so I went with the more demure hippie chick in a patchwork blue jeans skirt, a very cool peasant blouse, leather belt, patchwork leather boots, a headband, Indian jewelry and groovy tattoos--very retro, very cool.

I was 60's stylin', but Vicki was phenomenal...everything I said above, and more. In MY dress, damn it! The true test of friendship, then, is when your friend borrows clothes that you can no longer wear--and looks great.

Vicki and I are still the best of friends, but I am back to the yoga every day since!

© 2003 Sherri L. Caldwell. All rights reserved.

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