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And now, let me explain...

If I can be horribly vain and self-promotional for a sentence or two (or several paragraphs, as it turns out)...I have December features pending in both ATLANTA Magazine (an edited version of "eBay Frenzy" - remember?) and a literacy feature in Atlanta INTown (pending acceptance!), our local arts & entertainment monthly (pay is poopoo, but there are SO many other considerations...)(the magazine pay is great--phenomenal by comparison).

ATLANTA Magazine asked for a photo yesterday because they are running me in the "Contributors" section, with pic & bio, which is SO exciting for me (formerly an unsung/un-photo'd & one-line-only bio'd contributor to the mag) because I'm a total jealousy/reader/writer geek, and I always read, word for word, the Contributors section FIRST in all my magazines to get a gander at the lucky bastids who are profiled there...it's gonna be me, for once, ME!!!

So, of course, this request sent me into a neurotic frenzy yesterday afternoon--while I was at the same time finalizing research & interview arrangements for the literacy piece for Atlanta INTown--trying to pull up a 'fairly recent' photo that would capture my hilarious/humor columnist/all around Rebel Housewife/redheaded essence...and then I had to email it to my hubby, the techie, at work, to "crop out the chubby bits..."

And I realize that photo is actually a bit outdated, from somewhere in 2004, and actually the chubby parts are already gone in real life, having lost more than 40lbs on the Extreme Stress Diet (not recommended) through the better part of 2005. My husband offered to take some new pictures for the Contributors bit, but that was just way too much pressure, and the ATLANTA Mag people needed it back very quickly for their layout and design deadlines.

And even though, at the moment, I look a little different than I did in this pic--better in some ways, although the vibrant redhead is showing some signs of gray (gasp!), for having missed out on a couple of trips to the salon in the chaos of life in the last couple of months (enjoying thoroughly our new, more bohemian (anti-Stepford), more laid-back (some might say 'granola') neighborhood & lifestyle)...even though all that: The Rebel in the pic is the person I'm working to get back to (less the chubby parts!), after a period of upheaval and darkness, when things were not so hilarious or fun.

It's getting so much better now, happily ever after...I think I'm almost ready to go see my stylist and get my vibrant red back. I guess I should, since if someone sees me on the street, I don't want them to exclaim in horror:
"You don't look ANYTHING like your picture!"

No, the camera picks up the red, magically hides the gray roots, and--oh my gosh!--ADDS FORTY POUNDS!!!

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