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Thanksgiving Redux & A Kid-Friendly Recipe!

I can report a very successful, if low-key, Rebel Thanksgiving (2005), although we still have two days before the kids are back to school (as far as things that make me thankful)...

I planned and produced the Big Dinner this year, turkey and all, except for the gravy and the pumpkin pie, which I have not yet mastered. I really need to learn those key, critical Thanksgiving skills from my mother while there is still time...ah, maybe next year.

I conveniently arranged to WORK Friday, to get out of the house for a couple of hours, and came face-to-face with a Reality TV STAR (and he's a hottie!). You'll be hearing more about that in Rebel Reviews (click here!) and a separate blog entry, as well as a feature in the January issue of Atlanta INTown, so I'll leave it there for now.

Done with cooking and domestic responsibility after the whole Thanksgiving production, I did come up with an after-Turkey-Day, kid-pleasing, (EASY!) somewhat-unique utilization of Thanksgiving left overs that will now be a tradition in our house:

Day After Thanksgiving 'Hot Dogs':

Hot Dog Buns (whole wheat), Left Over Turkey, and Mozzarella Cheese...melted
because a little cheese shreddie on top sells anything!

They went for it!!!

We're now enjoying the holiday classic, kick-off to the Caldwell Christmas:
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and are now officially in the midst of a fabulous holiday season!

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