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From my time away on Wordpress.com:

I was TAGGED recently, by my Blog-friend, Wendy P. at emomsathome.com in Get Your Goals On - Only Big Dreamers Need Apply.

Wendy's Blog-friend, Alex Shalman at Practical Personal Development began this interactive blog discussion, or MEME, by throwing out the challenge of sharing your Gotta Get Goals, meaning goals that you already have, that you gotta get (achieve); not that you gotta get you some goals. This is the way we generate discussion and networking in the Blog Universe, which is fabulous -- for the "rules" of this game, see Alex's post: click here.

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Gotta Get Goals

I have been thinking about all of this, and my past, present, and future goals, for several days. I will be 40 this year (in October, mark your calendars, thank you very much! ;-). I have been married almost 19 years, and I have 3 children: son, Z, age 12; daughter, HK, age 9; and son, T, age 6.

I have always been extremely goal-oriented and self-motivated to try new things, achieve and succeed, and although I have suffered great challenges and setbacks (play big, win big/lose big sometimes), I have accomplished a lot in my almost-40 years, especially the last 20, with my hubby and family. Sometimes it's hard to remember that, because we're always looking forward, always reaching, always adding to the To Do List.

It's also interesting, at almost-40 (old to some, young to others, I know), with the hubby and the 3 kids...I'm tired and so busy! I'm not where I thought I would be, but I'm really, really happy where I am, with the things (people and relationships) that are most important to me. I've been bumped off the course I had set many, many times. I'm not even sure I'm the eternal optimist anymore, or that "everything happens for a reason." Does it? I don't know. Sometimes I think, stuff happens and it is what it is...

Old people like me are supposed to have this all figured out, yet in some ways, I feel like I'm constantly starting over, off on some new adventure, or a refinement of the journey due to obstacles, current conditions, or certain circumstances. I also keep coming upon the realization that I'm halfway there, almost in the 2nd Half of the Big Game, and I have a lot of responsibilities and commitments. I no longer have the luxury of messing around or catering to my own narrow focus. (Maybe in another 12 years when the youngest goes off to college?!)

And this is turning into a way-longer post than I like, but here goes (again):

Gotta Get Goals
by Sherri, age 39, 3/30/2007

#1 - Family
My goal is to raise and release to the world, 3 happy, healthy, self-confident, compassionate, responsible, independent adults to pursue their dreams, whatever they may be, and make the world a better place.

#2 - Marriage
So far, so good -- great, even, 19 years in. (I think he would say the same!) My goal is to continue the strength of this marriage and partnership into the future, celebrating our almost-20 years together (unbelievable!) each day; to continue to be mindful of each other; and always work on the most important aspects: Love, Passion, Communication, Adventure, Partnership.

#3 - Best-Selling Author
Ah, now we're into it! My first book, The Rebel Housewife Rules (women's humor), which I co-authored with my best friend/former Atlanta neighbor, was published in 2004 (Conari Press), and I am so proud of The Rebel (huge goal accomplished!). The book did well, earning out our advance and launching my career as The Rebel Housewife(TM) - Author, Writer, Reviewer, Online BlogMom Extraordinaire. But it was not a best-seller, and no, I never got on Oprah. I am, alas, not yet the financially self-sufficient, independent writer I aspire to be, but I'm working on it:

a) I am working on my second book, a novel, making the non-fiction/fiction leap;

b) I freelance and write book reviews (see Rebel Reviews), which I am working to develop as a career offline in print media;

c) www.RebelHousewife.com & The Random Rebel Coffee Blog

#4 - Basically, I want to make money -- a lot of money! -- doing what I love the most: Reading & Writing. That's The Big Goal.

#5 - Financial Freedom & Independence
To live where we want;
To live life as we want;
To travel, experience great adventure, and take our children around the world.

That's all.
Live, Love & Laugh,

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Reader Comments (4)

Alex Shalman | Alex@AlexShalman.com | alexshalman.com/blog
Mar 30, 2:01 PM

Great goals Sherri!

There seems to be a bit of a NY Times Bestseller bug going around. I’ve already read a lot of Gotta Get Goals that include it. Looks like you’ll have a good amount of competition, but I’m sure you’re up for the challenge
May 6, 2007 | Registered CommenterSherri Caldwell
Wendy Piersall | contact@emomsathome.com | emomsathome.com/blog
Mar 30, 10:37 PM

Too cool!!! I didn’t know you had written a book - shame on me! Those are great goals - and a lot like mine, too! Thanks for sharing!
May 6, 2007 | Registered CommenterSherri Caldwell
rebelhousewife | sherri@rebelhousewife.com | rebelhousewife.com
Mar 31, 9:05 AM

Thanks, Wendy. Your challenge really helped me to re-organize and focus, to leap forward in new directions. You have been a big inspiration the last couple of weeks!
May 6, 2007 | Registered CommenterSherri Caldwell
rebelhousewife | sherri@rebelhousewife.com | rebelhousewife.com
Apr 9, 10:43 AM

Thanks, Alex, great to hear from you! Sometimes I think the Bestseller thing would have to be easier than #1 on my list...but then I try to sit down for my hour a day working on the novel...aaarrrggghhh!!!
May 6, 2007 | Registered CommenterSherri Caldwell

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